
Body Snatchers

This homemade "switch-the-bodies" book is purely for fun. I can't think of a single educational lesson from it. oh, well. Sometimes it's okay to have fun for the sake of having fun!

We glued pictures from magazines, coloring books, and photos onto card stock, and then attached them to a manila folder with key chains.



This was Trevor's idea, and he completed it with minimal help from me.
Yes, seems rather scary for a just-turned-5-year-old to do a lapbook on fire. However, his Papa is a fireman and he hears about it often, and visits the fire department about once a month. Better to be prepared.

Side flap:
Top flap:On right side flap:

Bottom left side flap:
Middle fold out form:Flip-up firetruck booklet:
There's also a pumper truck underneath, not shown.

Under the firetruck booklet:
Top right flap:Back of folder:
And, because we included the firemen "puppets," I'll tag this as toddler-friendly.

Space Travel

This one is Ethan's. It wasn't assigned, so he worked on it during his free time and over Christmas break:
We've really enjoyed this site about the International Space Station.
The videos are great!

Is there life on other planets? Ethan thinks so.
A UFO is lifting the house off the ground.
(This picture of his is a flap that lifts up.)
And, on the back, is his alien:


We did many of these lap books at the beginning of winter, and finished several up over Christmas break.
When we were studying Egypt, weeks ago, the kids did this lapbook:


Inside main flaps:

First flip-top flap:Symbols of Egypt mini-book:
Pharaoh with crowns of both upper and lower Egypt:
Maps of Nile River Valley:
A page on King Menes and one on mummies:


Sticker Art/ Writing prompts

Lapbooks? Well, no. Folder games? Well, no. More like a paper game. Still counts.