
Painting with acrylics

I mentioned that several amazing artists inspired me to start focusing on art. I believe God has given us each certain talents, and expects us to use those to glorify Him. Well, I'm like Moses I suppose, and I like to make excuses for why I can't use my gifts.
It takes courage to try new things.

"What would you dare to accomplish if you knew the only possible outcome was success?"

One thing that I hadn't dared to try was painting. You know I paint walls and furniture... but I was too scared to try a REAL picture. Sure, that may seem strange coming from someone who will paint the entire living room on a whim. The truth is that I was intimated by having such a talented family. Bleh-- I know, ridiculous. I'm truly so amazed and thankful for their abilities. And I can't expect to start off with the experience and talent that they've acquired over a span of 10+ years. Everyone has to start somewhere, and now is the time for me.

So, without further ado, I give you my painting:

Beginning: (yes, I'm painting on a book)
Making some progress:
Finished product:

The plan was to have her holding a flower, but I couldn't get the hand right, so she ended up with a blue gown. ;-) Gotta do what works.
It's not perfect or professional, but I'm thrilled that it's a real picture. And, like Nester says, it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. It makes me happy!

And, by the way, I rearranged my entire bedroom in order to have the art table, easel, and sewing machine set up in a functional space. October, thanks for your help with that on Friday night!! This area just draws me in. I know where I'll be every evening when the house goes to sleep. :-)

Check out the other things people are creating at...

Persimmon Perch's Made It Monday and


  1. Yes, it's a beautiful painting. (Who wants perfect, anyway? Those standards of perfection keep people from being creative. Silly.)
    I'm curious about why you chose a book to use as your canvas.
    The art area sounds wonderful. I agree that having a dedicated space really helps motivate you.

  2. Looks wonderful!!! I never got a chance to follow up on the link to this blog days ago and then I just remembered it. You're inspiring, great job!

  3. Well, for a first painting, I think this looks sooo wonderful! I doubt I could do anything that realistic. Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland. :) Great work!

  4. I love it! I love that you painted on a book... (I so love books don't you!) I am so glad that you are
    painting... thanks for sharing!
