
Art Prompts

The kids and I have started The Sketch Book. Every afternoon (after schoolwork, so we don't become consumed,) we'll do artwork, using different prompts. It may be an artist study, word, photo. Most recently we did the word "stretch." Whatever they wanted.

I did a freaky stretchy face. Trying to get back into art, and think outside the box. If I do these lessons with them, it holds me accountable to my art time, and encourages them as well. And it helps me let go of perfectionism. I'm not exactly a perfectionist type person anyway, but I often hesitate sharing my art because there are so many dang-good artists in my family, and I feel my stuff pales in comparison. That's the point, though, isn't it. I'm wondering if I measure up... and that's not what it's about.

The artist drew a "limo car," and even used "stretched letters" to label it. hee.

Nature Man drew people stretching out rubber bands.
Dash decided not to participate. No pressure on him. I want him to love art, not think of it as a chore.

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea and execution too. We participate in Barb's Sketch Tuesdays and find it very helpful to have a set topic to sketch. I always do the sketch too!
